«International and Political Studies» – reviewed scientific journal, which presents articles, scientific reviews, and empirical results devoted to the analysis of current issues of socio-political institutions and processes in national, regional, and international contexts..

Founder: Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University.

Founded: 2003.

Archives are available on the website http://heraldiss.onu.edu.ua.

Until 2019, the journal was called “Odessa National University Herald. Sociology and Political Studies”. Since 2019, the name of the journal is “International and Political Studies” (INTERPOLIS).

Registered by the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine (Decision No. 429 dated 22.02.2024, Media ID: R 30-02962).

ISSN: 2707-5206 (Print); 2707-5214 (Online).

The journal is included in the List of professional, scientific publications of Ukraine: political science (specialties - 052, 291) according to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No 886 dated July 2, 2020.

Specialties: 052 – Political sciences and civics, 291 – International relations, public communications and regional studies.

Frequency of publication: 2 times a year.

Publication languages: Ukrainian, English.

The academic journal «International and Political Studies» is refereed and indexed in scientific databases: V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine; "Scientific Ukrainian"; Institutional repository of Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University; Ulrich's Periodicals Directory; Index Copernicus; Google Academy ResearchBib.

The journal contains scientific publications on:

analysis of the history and theory of political thought;

coverage of cultural and ideological influences on the processes of socio-political development;

research on the development of political processes in national, regional, and international contexts;

consideration of the formation of the national security system;

analysis of the development of national, regional, and international policy in the system of international economic relations.

The journal supports interdisciplinary scientific discourse in analyzing the mutual influence of historical, ethnocultural, economic, migration, geographical, and other socio-political development factors. The journal offers its readers theoretical and empirical research that contributes to the general humanitarian development, the development of scientific research, and the qualitative improvement of policy as an area of ​​practical action.

Editor-in-Chief: Daniela Irrera, Ph.D. (Political Sciences); President of the European Peace Research Association (EuPRA), University of Catania (Italy).

Science Editor: Olga Brusilovska, Prof., Dr. (Political Sciences).

Responsible Editor: Yuliia Uzun, Prof., Dr. (Political Sciences).



Current Issue

No. 37 (2024): International and Political Studies
Published: 2024-05-14
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