Keywords: communicative competence, components of communicative competence, empirical indicators, professional mobility of athletes, adaptation, communication.


The article substantiates the role of professional mobility of athletes as a key factor in designing the career path of athletes. It is determined that one of the indicators of success of professional mobility of athletes is their communicative competence, which allows not only to solve problems of interpersonal interaction or subject’s needs, but also to be a factor of professional growth and social adaptation. It has been proven that communication is an integral part of sport, it directly affects the course and effectiveness of competitive activities and in general, plays an important role in sport. An athlete’s sport career directly depends on how he develops a relationship with the coach, how he feels in the team, how he manifests himself as a leader, how competently he receives information about opponents, unravels their plans and hides his own, thus conclusion is made that communication is a professionally important quality for the athlete. As can be seen from the analysis conducted by the method of “Diagnosis of the dominant strategy of psychological protection in communication” by V. V. Boyko, the scales Peacefulness (M = 8.458; SD = 4.007) and Aggression (M = 8.124; SD = 4.007) are characterized by the largest average group values; According to the method of “Determining the style of behavior in a conflict situation” by K. Thomas, the scales Cooperation (M = 7,215; SD = 1,942) and Rivalry (M = 6,339; SD = 1,885) are characterized by the largest average group values; the scales Communicability (M = 6,554; SD = 1,595) and Independence (M = 5,916; SD = 2,093) are also characterized by the largest average group values; the adaptability of the studied alpine ski athletes is at an average level. Based on the study, we believe that the communicative competence of the individual is revealed in: relation to people, to himself, in peculiarities of relationships between people, the ability to control and regulate behavior, competently argue position. Also communicative competence manifested in the ability to model personality of the interlocutor, to achieve communicative intention with the help of verbal and non-verbal means and technologies, thus be productive in a conflict situations.


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