Keywords: course of life, development of personality, communicativeness, cycloid model of time that is experienced, Large/Great biological cycle, youthfulness, readiness to changes, vital values, loneliness, impulsiveness, adaptivity, social frustration.


In this article, youth is considered as a stage in the time development of the life path. In this context, in order to solve the normative tasks of this stage, a person must have such an arsenal of psychological properties that will help her/him to cope with the tasks of her/his age in an optimum way for optimal movement in time in life. In the general logic of life, it’s the time of adolescence when the task of developing communicative properties and forming one’s immediate social environment is realised as a result of its positive solution. Moreover, the closest social environment should include four groups that do not overlap: personal, professional, friendly and dedicated to individual hobbies. Therefore, young people should differ from people at other stages of their life in such characteristics that will allow them to solve these problems in an optimal way. The conducted research has shown that the specific properties that are inherent in persons, namely, adolescents, are: the absence of categorical or conservative judgement in the assessments of other people; lack of desire to fit a partner for himself/herself, to make him/her «comfortable»; tolerance to physical or mental discomfort caused by other people; the ability to adapt to the character, habits and desires of others; creativity; confidence; keenness; passion; optimism; courage, enterprise; selfassuredness, as well as the following values: social contacts; financial status; family life. This means that they are these parameters that are directly interconnected with the differentiation of the subjects according to the stages of their life path. The degree of their severity indicates that the subject belongs to a particular period of the life path, regardless of some differences in chronological age.


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