Keywords: psychological aspect, intuition, decision-making, management decisions, success, activity, personality, manager, business


The article presents the results of a theoretical study of the psychological aspect of studying intuition in the decision-making process. The relationship between various aspects of intuition and other concepts is studied, such as subjective and objective truth, feeling and fact, intuition and rational logic, conscious and unconscious, and between intuition and reality. Scientists consider various possibilities of using intuition, including it as a means of cognition, connection with intelligence, influence of conscious and unconscious experience, role in creative activity and in the decision-making process. However, researchers express concern about misconceptions and possible distortions in the interpretation of mental reactions, own feelings, emotions and actions. The purpose of this article is to study the psychological features of the problem of intuition inthe decision-making process. The study of the psychological aspect of intuition in the decision-making process can shed light on important points that can become the basis for the development of new methods of solving problems using intuitive thinking, intuitive activity, especially useful in the context of science, creativity, business and management. In the field of business activity and management, there is often a need to make quick decisions in conditions of uncertainty and unpredictability. At the same time, the use of intuition can become a key aspect in making such decisions, which emphasizes the importance of understanding its role for the successful functioning of both individual specialists and the entire organization. Leaders and managers often resort to using intuition when making strategic and tactical decisions. Understanding the mechanisms of intuition and methods of its development can contribute to increasing their effectiveness in leading subordinates and managing the company in general. Further psychological research on intuition in the decision-making process can reveal important aspects that can be used to develop effective strategies for psychological training of personnel in various fields of activity. This, in turn, can contribute to improving the professional results of specialists and the overall productivity of the organization.


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