Keywords: personality, professional well-being, conceptual research model


The absence in the scientific literature of a generally accepted idea about the professional wellbeing of the individual caused the problem of the methodology of its research, which indicates the need for a theoretical understanding of the accumulated various data, their integration, as well as the need to find priority methodological ways of studying this phenomenon. The article contains an analysis of the specifics of psychological research on professional well-being, as well as a formulation based on the generalization of research practice of the main methodological approaches to the further development of a conceptual model for the study of the professional well-being of an individual. Given that a person is a holistic entity with a complex structure, the prospect of further scientific research will be the development of a conceptual model of the professional well-being of a person based on the implementation of the principles of a systemic approach, which will significantly expand the understanding of this phenomenon.


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