Keywords: ethnic stereotypes, ethnic identity, acculturation strategies.


Abstract: The present paper supplements existing quantitative and qualitative research in social and cross-cultural psychology, theoretical provisions on the psychological determinants of intercultural relations. The author of the article have an attempt to investigate and explain how types of ethnic identity, auto- and hetero-stereotypes are related to each another and how they affect the acculturation process of foreign students in Ukraine and therefore they affect intercultural interaction. In the article the results of the survey of foreign and Ukrainian students studying at the Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University are represented. The sample consisted of 170 students: 79 foreign students and 91 Ukrainians aged 17 to 26 years. This survey was based on standardized questionnaires: Types of Ethnic Identity (G. U. Soldatova, S. V. Ryzhova), Diagnostic test of relations (G. U. Soldatova) and Acculturation Strategies Research Questionnaire (J. Berry). The aim of the article is to present the results of an empirical study of ethnospecific indicators of personality adaptation in the environment of intercultural interaction. Results indicated that foreign students that had a high degree of positive ethnic identification have expressed the have expressed the strong preference to integration strategies and the low preference to the assimilation and separation. In its turn, the powerful feeling of belonging to an ethnic group and attitude towards the in-group in Ukrainian students promotes of the segregation strategy and exclusion of the foreign students and contributes to the acculturation expectation — the multiculturalism. The presented empirical results can find their application in further studies of interethnic relations: diagnostics of the current state and forecasting of their further development.


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