Keywords: ostracism, passive aggression, hidden aggression, latent manifestations of aggression, learning environment, preconditions of ostracism.


The article considers the psychological factors of passive aggression as a manifestation of ostracism in the learning environment. Attention is paid to the study of deviant behavior and hidden forms of aggression as tendencies of ostracism. Also, the issue of prevention of deviant behavior in the context of this phenomenon is elaborated. The complex multifactorial nature of the formation of passive-aggressive patterns of communication as manifestations of ostracism, understanding the specifics of aggressive behavior (the degree of severity and prevalence, the predominance of certain types, the dynamics) in the educational space as the primary signs of ostracization of personality are indicated. The main factors of formation and manifestations of passive aggression as tendencies of ostracism are highlighted. Among the factors we note the following: individual characteristics, situations of socio-role interaction, social factors. The classification of the main manifestations of passive aggression is formed, on the basis of which the forms of passive-aggressive behavior that occurs in the learning environment are presented: bad jokes; sarcasm; omissions and hints; punishment by silence; lateness for a meeting; sabotage of general plans; manipulation, using pity and guilt. It was noted the importance of studying the problem, due to the need to create a system of socio-psychological diagnosis and preventive methods to eliminate the manifestations of passive aggression as a means of preventing ostracism. The experiment is aimed at identifying the effectiveness of this program in different age groups of the educational environment, which involves understanding the holistic image of the phenomenon of ostracism and its relationship with the manifestations of hidden aggression in the educational space. Conclusions are made in the system of studying the psychological factors of passive aggression as a manifestation of ostracism that all manifestations of the mentioned forms of passive aggression have a prerequisite — the fear of social punishment. We see further consideration of this problem in a more detailed study of the main factors in the formation of tendencies of passive aggression as a manifestation of ostracism and the creation of preventive pieces of advice to correct the manifestations of ostracism in the educational space.


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