Keywords: personality, activity, motive, motivation, motivational sphere, motivational setting, classification, stability


The article is devoted to the analysis of the problem of motivational sphere in the personality-activity dimension. In this aspect the contradictory and ambiguous study of the motivational sphere is explained by tangent, multidimensional, small-scale and subjectively directed studies of this problem, however, the scientific substantiation of such a broad view of motives and motivation requires a thorough analysis and systematization of knowledge, allocation of criteria for classification and systematization was many. This is assumed, since the structure of motivation in general is significant in content and in different forms, but such diversity does not allow explicitly or indirectly to investigate the features of motivation in people with different dispositions or in different situations. In particular, the very diversity of approaches significantly complicates the study of the peculiarities of women’s motivation in business. Proceeding from the discrepancy of a large volume of material on the problem of motivation, in the article the possible variants of classification and systematization of scientific information on the investigated direction are considered. Classification of motives by type includes criteria of stability-instability, traditional forms of human activity (game, teaching, professional, social activity), extra-internal, social and moral orientation, temporal signs, etc. the complexity of the problem of motives and personality motivation as one of the pivots in psychological science is not only due to the fact that it reveals the peculiarities of the subjective mental reflection of reality, but also the too wide problem field, which creates the illusion of elaboration and complete analysis. An attempt to classify motives by type, traditional forms of activity (game, teaching, professional, social activity) and temporal features does not cover the possible directions of scientific research, but allows to determine the prospect of empirical research, in particular, to narrow the problem area and to identify the peculiarities of the motivation of modern women in business.


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