Keywords: neuropsychological support, neuropsychological correction, preschool children, psychoverbal retardation, higher mental functions.


This article is devoted to the analysis of the results of the implementation of the program of neuropsychological correction of mental activity of preschool children with psychoverbal retardation. The relevance of this study is caused by the annual increase in the birth rate of children with psychoverbal retardation and by the need for effective forms and methods of correctional work. The study is based on the assumption that the process of mental development of children with psychoverbal retardation in preschool-age has specific features and complications due to the neuropsychological peculiarities of their development, and therefore it requires systematic professional neuropsychological support, which may be complicated by quarantine restrictions during the covid pandemic 19. Сonsequently, it is necessary to implement a specifically worked out effective program of neuropsychological correction of mental activity of children with learning disabilities , which can be implemented independently by parents (with a remote guidance of a psychologist) during home development classes. It can significantly increase the effectiveness of neuropsychological correction of higher mental functions of children with psychoverbal retardation. Neuropsychological correction aims to use continuous non-medicamental activation of subcortical and stem structures of the brain, to stabilize of interhemispheric interaction, to form the optimal functional status of the cortical structures of the brain. Each neuropsychological correctional session with a child includes cognitive exercises (tasks and games which are aimed to develop higher mental functions of the child) and movable exercises (sensory-motor correction), as well as body-oriented therapy and elements of respiratory gymnastics. According to the results of the study, the rates of psychoverbal development of preschool children who used an individual program of neuropsychological correction at home under the guidance of a specialist during the quarantine and social isolation are much higher than those which have children who attended classes only with a neuropsychologist.


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