Keywords: social health, child, difficult life circumstances, family, socialization.


Abstract. Parents’ difficult life circumstances can impede the acquisition of child’s necessary life skills and cause concern about its adequate socialization and social health. The purpose of the article is to identify and reveal ways to shape social health of children whose parents are in difficult life circumstances. Specialists should identify children’s problems, assist in solving them and provide social and pedagogical support. It is necessary to carry out therapeutic and corrective actions. In order to promote socialization and social health, social workers, psychologists, social educators can use art therapy, game therapy, trainings, which are specially designated for such children. The use of these methods reduces children’s level of negative emotions and anxiety, increases their selfconfidence, makes it possible to form sustainable behavioural reactions. The article explains the possibilities of extracurricular activities, the impact of which on the shaping of social health can be recognized undoubtedly. Children’s participation in various kid’s clubs is an important type of activity. Extracurricular educational institutions create a platform for positive informal communication, and their mentors’ influence is also important. Participation in contests and competitions develops purposefulness, perseverance, ability to overcome difficulties; teaches to make every effort to achieve results, to fight according to the rules, to accept failures and defeats with dignity and aims to success. Due to active participation in extracurricular activities, children create the basis for further resilience, which involves the recognition of their personal capabilities and vulnerability and is associated with personal success in various spheres, especially against the background of stress or adverse circumstances. The process of socialization and shaping of children’s personality whose parents are in difficult life circumstances requires comprehensive support and participation of various social specialists for a long time. If the educational potential of the family is reduced, it is necessary to involve opportunities of other institutions that contribute to the shaping of social health.


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