Keywords: parents of children with special needs, personality, positive psychology, psychological resources, self-realization, subjective wellbeing, resilience.


The urgency of the subjective well-being problem due to the families, raising a child with special needs, is underlined in the given article. In such families, not all of the parents are adequately respond to emerging problems, their personal and professional self-realization is complicated by objective and subjective factors, leading to signs of burnout and a feeling of loss of subjective well-being. The study of this problem is not only theoretical, but also it brings purely practical significance, namely, for the purpose of providing psychological assistance, updating the personal resources of parents who feel subjectively disadvantaged. Subjective well-being depends on what a person determines for himself as a priority, valuable, what he strives for, and what psychological resources he or she uses. It is revealed that at the present stage of the science development, the study of the problem, connected with subjective well-being and resource capacity of the individual, has not received a holistic study. The article defines the main approaches for the subjective well-being and its understanding of an individualwell being, such as: hedonistic and eudemonistic; the personality-psychological and socio-psychological factors of the subjective well-being of the parents are analyzed; the subjective and objective approaches to understanding the well-being concept of parents raising a child with special needs are highlighted. The subjective approach considers all the internal conditions which give a sense of wellbeing and which parents can directly influence (self acceptance, positive relations with others, autonomy, environ mental mastery, purpose in life, personal growth). The objective approach is presented by social and material well-being as components of subjective well-being, since it is not always possible to influence these components directly. The author proposes a generalized classification of the subjective wellbeing psychological resources according to parents raising a child with special needs (personal, family, social resources and resilience). The ways of increasing this phenomenon through successful socio-psychological adaptation are highlighted; following the rules that will help maintain a positive life; parents’ self-realization in all spheres of life. Prospects for further study of the indicated problem are outlined.


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