Keywords: communication, communicative qualities, speech activity, language underdevelopment, language disorders, communication.


Abstract. Language plays a huge role in the mental development of the child, in the development of thinking and in mental activity in general. The inclusion of language in the cognitive activity of the child restructures its basic mental processes. The problem of language development in children is considered from the standpoint of prevention and overcoming by means of specially organized training and education, so it is attributed to a special section of psychological and pedagogical science. The purpose of the article is to determine the factors of formation of communicative qualities of personality in the general underdevelopment of speech, as well as to highlight the structure of communicative properties of personality as a complex formation. General underdevelopment of language — various complex speech disorders, in which children have impaired formation of all components of the speech system related to its sound and semantic side, with normal hearing and intelligence. The study found that the communication process plays an important role for preschool children, and a set of disorders of speech and cognitive development in children with general speech underdevelopment prevents them from establishing full-fledged communicative relationships with others, complicates contact with adults and can lead to isolation of these children in a group of peers. Therefore, special work is needed to correct and develop all components of language, cognitive and communicative activities in order to optimally and effectively adapt children with severe language disorders to the conditions and requirements of society. Long-term observation and diagnosis of such children has shown that the ability to use the assistance provided and meaningfully apply what is learned in the process of further study leads to the fact that after some time they can successfully study at school.


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