Keywords: fine motor skills, fine arts, non-traditional drawing techniques, middle preschool aged children, fingers movement.


Abstract. The purpose of the article is to highlight the influence of non-traditional drawing techniques on the development of fine motor skills of middle preschool age children. The paper provides a theoretical generalization of the problem of middle preschool age children’s fine motor skills. It was revealed that the movements of the fingers are closely related to speech activity, the speech improvement is in direct proportion to the degree of the fingers movements training. Mostly, the level of fine motor skills development determines success of the child’s development skills, such as: visual, constructive, labour, musical and performing skills, mastery of the native language and primary writing skills development. The approach to the development of hands’ fine motor skills in the process of visual activity with the help of non-traditional drawing techniques has been substantiated. Middle preschool age children were introduced to such techniques as: foam rubber stamping, rubber seals, wax crayons, candle and watercolor, hand drawing. Conditions are being created for the fine motor skills development while using various visual materials and new techniques that require precision of movements and do not limit child’s fingers to a fixed position. The features of diagnosing fine motor skills of middle preschool age children are revealed. The experimental study of non-traditional drawing techniques influence on the development of fine motor skills in middle preschool age children are performed. The data of experimental research was obtained. They allow us to conclude that the process of fine motorskills development of middle preschool age children is more successful if non-traditional drawing techniques are used.


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