Keywords: communication, emotional regulation of communication, adolescents with intellectual disabilities.


The current state of the problem is considered and analyzed in the article emotional regulation of communication in adolescents with intellectual disabilities. Theoretical is presented analysis of the semantic characteristics of the concept. Factors that prevent the formation of emotional regulation of communicative behavior in situations of communicative interaction are considered. Among them are the following: unformed subjective experience of emotional relationships; frequent deprivation; affective reactions of irritability, tearfulness, euphoria, anxiety; poverty and insufficient differentiation of experiences; immaturity of the emotional sphere; difficulties of emotional adaptation; violation of emotional comfort and mental balance; reduction of general activation indicators; frequent ups and downs of mood; manifestations of inflammation; inability to respond to events with a flexible range of emotions; spontaneity and uncontrollability of reactions; low level of self-regulation of emotional states; delay in the formation of higher emotional feelings; difficulty understanding other people’s emotional states. The state of emotional support of communication in adolescents with special needs is analyzed. The competencies that need to be formed in schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities are singled out and substantiated. Certain provisions prove the feasibility of using the following areas of psychological influence: increase the overall activation indicators of communication; learning to provide for their basic needs in order to avoid a state of deprivation; developing the ability to respond to events with a flexible range of emotions; increasing control over emotional reactions and the level of self-regulation of emotional states; overcoming outbreaks of aggression and emotional-affective reactions of explosiveness, inflammation; reducing the level of anxiety; increasing the differentiation of experiences; learning to understand other people’s emotional states; overcoming the tendency to take offense at others; learning to achieve emotional comfort and mental balance; formation of higher emotional feelings; optimization of social feelings; formation of subjective experience of emotional relations. It is determined that the described competencies are strategic determinants that contribute to improving the quality of interpersonal relationships and communication.


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