Keywords: emotional culture, professionalization, immersive technologies, emotional intelligence.


In the context of theoretical analysis of the problem of emotional culture of future psychologists, the article defines emotional culture as a system of skills of the subject’s own emotional intelligence for emotional self-regulation, manifested in reflexive awareness of emotions (both own and others), recognition of their value and motivating force, as well as the purposeful use of emotions in various types of internal mental and external (subject and social) activities. In accordance with the purpose of our study, a new view on the problem of emotional culture was proposed in the structure of professional activity of future psychologists, its essence and constituent components were determined. Emotional competence of the future specialist was considered as a systemic, holistic and dynamic psychological education, an important personal and professional quality, a component of the professional activity of the specialist; which has its own structure, expresses a certain level of emotional maturity of the individual, is an important factor in professional development and provides effective professional interaction. The article shows that emotional culture, the structural components of which are cognitive, social, regulatory and empathic components, is a means of socialization and adaptation of the future specialist. Based on the model, a comprehensive program for the formation of emotional culture of the future psychologist in the process of professional training is developed and tested, the content of which is aimed at the development of components of emotional competence. An innovative approach in the context of program implementation is a combination of traditional psychocorrection technologies and immersive technologies. The results of the formative stage of the study of the effectiveness of this program are presented. The results of the study demonstrated the dynamics of changes in the development of emotional competencies of future professionals.


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