Keywords: rules of travelling motion, emotional firmness, candidates in a driver, emotional loading, emotional burning down of drivers.


Abstract. In the article the separate aspects of psychological readiness of drivers are considered to the management. An increase level of physical and psychological danger is accented at a management a motor transport. In this connection a slope is done on the analysis of preconditions of readiness of future drivers to adaptation in the conditions of the new specific activity related to the management and co-operating with other participants of travelling motion. The necessity of accented attention of future drivers is reasonable on the psychological constituents of participation travelling and possible psychological and psychophysiological risks for students. The basic constituents of estimation of readiness of students are described to driving at the study of rules of travelling motion and practice after a helm. Important qualities and lines that must be inherent to the future drivers for successful realization of management are certain, and also for a comfort feel after a helm. Attention is accented on the concept of the emotional burning down of driver that links the decline of levels of emotional firmness and attentiveness at a management certain term of time (2–3 years). The features of temperament and neuropsychic features of investigated that have qualification influence on success of management and parameters of psycho-physiological safety of future driver are distinguished. The question of prophylaxis and overcoming of excessive emotional tension is gone into detail from connection with preparation of future drivers to the management a motor transport, and urgency is distinguished of nonadmission emotionally of the unstable state that can result in the loss of attentiveness and confidence in itself during a management, and to result in heavy consequences, including for the psychical sphere of driver.


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