Keywords: personality of investigator, professional activity, experience of work, discomfort, stress, emotional tension, disharmony.


In the conditions of socio-economic transformation that takes place in Ukraine, to personality increase requirements are pulled out, foremost to the sphere of her activity in the different spheres of activity and communication. The important cell of development of personality is her professional activity, the conflict experiencing within the limits of that can be related to strong negative emotional tension, sense of internal discomfort. Especially it touches professional activity of investigator, when the protracted emotional tension can negatively influence on quality of implementation of functional duties, on the acceptance of judicial decisions that is always related to internal persuasion and often results in the different forms of the negative emotional states, including to internal discomfort. Frequency of display of the negative emotional states results in converting of them into the permanent background of professional life. For prevention of the similar professional burning down, actual are credible prognostication of the negative emotional states and their prophylaxis in professional activity of investigator, that runs across in the changed terms that differ from ordinary. The indicated aspect of problem was partly examined in industry of medicopsychology in the context of psychology of cooperation of doctor and patient, features of professional activity of medical workers and socialpsychological factors of her efficiency, however out of limits of scientific розвидок there is personality of investigator with individual properties of the emotional reacting on professionally meaningful situations. The aim of the article consists in the empiric study of dynamics of the states of emotional discomfort in investigators with different experience and development of recommendations from adjustment work. Thus, emotional discomfort as constituent of internal conflict of investigator, examined by us as distorting the emotional balance, that exposes descriptions of the dominant negative emotional state, and is characterized subjective bad quarter of a hour. The specific of decisionmaking by investigators under act of emotional discomfort consists in that negative emotions are characterized greater intensity, than positive, they are directed інтернально and often enough does not have external expression. A general tendency consists in that for investigators with the high level of emotional discomfort absent sense of pleasure life, emotional tension, anxiety, constraint, uncertainty, mental instability, is diagnosed. In addition, for them a tendency is watched to the permanent decline of mood, origin of the state of apathy, emotional застрягання on the failures; absent ability to listen to itself and feelings, inadequate perception of different vital situations (the dramatic effect of perception rises) is developed. Psychological diagnostics empiric confirmed the special psychological status of fifth year of stay in position of investigator in relation to forming of internal discomfort. This period of becoming of personality of investigator as a professional is original psychological Rubicon, that comes forward as a guarantor of adaptation of personality to the terms of stay in the difficult стресогенних terms of labour or, vice versa, without corresponding psychological accompaniment, passing of service can create terms for disharmonious development of personality. In a term 5 to works in investigative agencies has place substantial change of інтернальних of constituents toward the increase of internal comfort.


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