Keywords: personality, adaptation, serviceman, service in the army


Preparation for service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine is a complex, long-lasting, purposeful activity of the community (families, schools, civic organizations), which should result in a young man’s readiness for conscription. The purpose of the article is to theoretically identify and empirically prove the adaptation features of future servicemen. Features of military service in modern conditions are caused by a number of external (socio-economic reform of society) and internal (reorganization of the army in the conditions of its sharp reduction) reasons. Psychological readiness for military service is a complex property of the individual, the level of formation of which is determined by the degree of development of all spheres of the human psyche: motivational, cognitive, emotional-sensory, volitional. The results obtained help to understand the peculiarities of the process of adaptation to military service, depending on their personal characteristics. The conducted research makes it possible to introduce in psychological practice psychological support of social and psychological adaptation of young soldiers, which will allow to avoid problems of adaptation of servicemen on conscription. We have shown that the personal characteristics and the particular adaptation features of future servicemen contribute to the formation of psychological readiness to perform combat training tasks.


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