Keywords: responsibility, personality, teenager, self-esteem, situation, choice.


Responsibility as a social phenomenon has powerful levers of influence on the regulation of the subject’s behavior. This influence is especially important in the modern social space, because any transformations and challenges of Ukrainian society are always most pronounced in the personal characteristics of young people, who often find themselves in a situation of moral choice and action, and the result of its activity acquires a certain significance for others. on personal responsibility. For a modern young person to be responsible means to understand the needs of others as their own, to be tolerant and respectful of the personal manifestations of others, to be able to manage their own actions and desires, aligning them with moral norms. This problem becomes especially important in adolescence, when the child is most sensitive to the processes taking place in society. Purpose of the article: theoretical substantiation and empirical research of personal determinants of responsibility in adolescence. Object of research: responsibility of the individual. Subject of research: personal determinants of responsibility in adolescence. The results of the empirical study confirmed that the value orientations of the individual are important for the formation of his psychological readiness to take moral responsibility. An essential factor that determines the psychological readiness of the adolescent to take responsibility are self-esteem and the desire to maintain its positive value.


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