Keywords: goal setting, goals, personal features, psychological features of women, adulthood.


It was established that most women in adulthood are harmonious, they are dominated by the average level of the individual-personality traits. Statistical differences in individual and personal characteristics of women of different groups were demonstrated. It is recorded that women of 20–30 years of age are more responsible and generous than women of 30–40 years of age, women over 40 years of age are divided into two types: confident, independent and emotionally unstable, passive, submissive. It was found that most of the examined women live in the present or past, the highest purposefulness is found among women over 40 years of age. There is a connected image of time-perspective in 50.8 % of women in adulthood, 27.1 % of women do not have temporal-semantic unity, in other words, women who function in the present do not connect their own past and future. The distribution of women’s life goals, which reflect the value-semantic attitude to their own lives, was obtained. Areas in which women’s goals are located are divided into demographic (marriage, divorce, childbirth) and socio-economic (employment, education, promotion, traveling). Some of the goals can be attributed to the functional aspect of the image of the future (self-realization in parenthood) and to the substantive aspect of the image of the future (development of the personal-spiritual sphere and the material sphere). Women are aware of insignificant goals (realization in creativity, overcoming fears, promotion). The presence of statistical differences in global life goals among women of 20–40 years of age and older than 40 years of age has been demonstrated (p <, 05). Women aged 40–60 years want to gain wisdom, take care of their parents’ health, travel and live without debts and loans. With the help of factor analysis were identified factors that reflect the peculiarities of goal-setting women of different periods of adulthood with their existing types of individual-personal characteristics. It has been shown that women of 20–30 years of age are friendly, responsible but insecure and prefer secondary goals that are not always realized. Women in their 20s and 30s who have nonconforming tendencies are persistent in achieving the global goal. Women 20–30 years old who do not have temporal-semantic unity are insecure. Women 30–40 years old are confident, independent, however persistent in achieving secondary goals only. Women over 40 years of age who are aware of temporal-semantic unity are responsible and willing to help, women over 40 years of age with realistic views and skepticism are limited in achieving global goals.


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