Keywords: individual psychological qualities, contact center operators, professional activity.


Abstract. The article explores the concept of individual psychological qualities of the contact center operator, identifies the psychological features of the profession and traces individual such qualities through adolescence and adulthood. Individual-psychological qualities are defined as stable personality traits that develop through activities and determine the peculiarities of interaction with the environment. The empirical study was conducted on the basis of the contact center of the «Vodafone» mobile operator in Kyiv. The study involved operators from 18 to 47 years old, 50 subjects in total, including 25 young people (18–25 years) and 25 adults (26–47 years). R. Kettel’s 16-factor personality questionnaire and «Scale of Emotional Response» questionnaire by A. Megrabian and N. Epstein were used. In the course of mathematical data processing (using Student’s T-test) the analysis and interpretation of the obtained data revealed the differences in individual psychological qualities between the groups of young and adult contact center operators. Age differences were recorded in the following individual psychological qualities: courage, emotional stability, diplomacy. Young operators are more characterized by emotional instability, expressiveness, low restraint in emotional manifestations, including negative ones, courage, propensity for reckless actions, determination. Mature professionals are more cautious, risk-averse, diplomatic, easy to get out of conflicts, capable of adapting to the interlocutor, able to find common ground, while the younger group is less diplomatic, more sharp, uncompromising in communication. It is concluded that a significant number of contact center operators need to transform and improve individual psychological qualities in order to increase openness, diplomacy, emotional stability and empathy.


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