Keywords: communication, communicative behavior, emotional regulation of communication, intellectual development disorders.


The article provides a theoretical analysis of the features of emotional regulation of communication in adolescents with intellectual disabilities. It is determined that emotional qualities influence the formation of their communicative relationships with peers. The essence of the concept of “emotional regulation of communication” is substantiated. The psychological features of emotional regulation of communication in adolescents with a diagnosis of mild mental retardation (F70) have been empirically studied. According to the results of the study, a differential analysis of emotional regulation of communicative behavior in schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities and typical development was performed. The main differences in the formation of emotional qualities, which are the basic factors in the formation of communicative behavior of students of both categories. It was found that in adolescents with intellectual disabilities are relatively preserved indicators of social activity and positive orientation of communicative behavior. But high levels of these characteristics were not detected. Insufficiently formed were the ability to manage their emotions, the ability to respond to criticism in conflict situations and the ability to empathize. These qualities need correction. On the basis of the research the main directions of correctional work are singled out, which are also the formation of such skills: to manage emotions; coordinate mental states; optimize potential means of emotional regulation; respond to criticism; act in tense situations; to master the technique of neutralization of remarks while defending one’s beliefs; to form empathy in communication as an interactive ability. Graphic analysis of the results of empirical research allows us to state the deviation of the graphs of functions in children with intellectual disabilities in the direction of low values of function. Characteristic is the shift in the indicators of emotional regulation of communication to the left of the mathematical expectation. This indicates a predominance of low, below average and medium levels. At schoolboys with typical development deviations towards high values are fixed. The predominance of average and above average levels is determined.


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