Keywords: professional employment, spouses, conflict, marital relations, family well-being.


The article theoretically investigates and experimentally identifies the impact of professional activities of spouses associated with increased employment on the peculiarities of relationships and conflicts in the family. Theoretical approaches to the study of changes in family roles in connection with the professional activities of spouses are analyzed. It has been experimentally established that high employment of spouses in professional activities has a negative impact on their marital relations: the level of conflict, the sphere of interaction, marital satisfaction and its stability. The resulting scatter and variability of indicators is explained by the use of subjective assessments of the spouses of their marriage. The highest level of conflict in families where men and women have high professional employment in professional activities was found in the areas of: role-playing, mutual awareness, leisure. In families where wives have a higher employment rate than husbands, the level of conflict is higher in all areas of marital interaction. The data obtained indicate that the process of adaptation of spouses to the new conditions of professional activity associated with high professional employment, the requirements of corporate traditions, and others. The reasons are difficult and pose a number of serious problems for spouses (the number of stable families decreases, the number of unstable and even troubled families increases).


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