Keywords: readiness for personal and professional self-development; internality; future psychologists; cognitive, axiological and motivational, behavioral components of future psychologists’ readiness for personal and professional self-development; psychodiagnostic tools


The methods suitable for the study of readiness for personal and professional self-development are described in the article. Topicality of the article is determined by the insufficient study of the components of future psychologists’ readiness for personal and professional self-development in the context of their internality. So there is a need to choose psychodiagnostic tools for solving this problem. As a result of the analysis of literary sources, the author found that in modern studies future psychologists’ readiness for personal and professional self-development had been studied by author’s questionnaires, projective methodologies, personal questionnaires with modified instructions. At the same time, tests that are specially designed to measure the propensity to self-development and its indicators are worth attention. Based on theoretical analysis of scientific publications, the author identified three components of the future psychologists’ readiness for personal and professional self-development: cognitive, axiological and motivational, behavioral. Methods, proposed for psychodiagnostic study of these components, are described in the article. The author gave a justification of each method’s use as a psychodiagnostic tool for the study of the components of the future psychologists’ readiness for personal and professional self-development in the context of their internality. The perspective of future research is to use the chosen methods to study the influence of internality on the readiness of students-psychologists for personal and professional self-improvement.


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