Keywords: psychosomatic disorders, anxiety, depression, bronchial asthma


Urbanization of society, which leads not only to the progress and development of collective self-comprehension, but also to the overloading by factors that turn the one’s brain more than other factors, contributes to the frequency of psychosomatic disorders. As a result of today’s lifestyle the chronic psycho-emotional stress has become one of the major risk factors for human pathology.This cause the necessity of psychosomatic orientation in medicine, which should consider the impact of psychosocial and personal factors in constructing the concepts of pathogenesis, treatment and prevention of diseases. With the development of knowledge in physiology, psychophysiology and mental activity, scientists are trying to explore the physiological and psychological phenomena more in detail.The problem of interrelation of somatic functions and mental processes attempted to explore as psychologists as well as psychologists. Biological, psychological and social differences between men and women determine the differences of measures of diseasesprevalence and predisposition to them at different agesas well asdiseaseprogression and recovery. For rating psychosomatic complaints the Giessenquestionnaire of somatic complaints — GiesenerBeshwedebogen (GBB)was used. For processing resultsthe methods of mathematical statistics that meet the stated objectiveswere used: method of correlation analysis and method for determining the reliability of differences of average.Processing of the data obtained was performed using software SPSS v.13 and Excel 2010.


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