Keywords: youth adult, personal resourses, global self esteem, students, pedagogical study


The article discusses the results of self-esteem differences’ study in teacher candidates of polish and ukrainian colleges. The article consists of two parts: theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part emphasizes the problem of self-esteem and its importence for the mental health of an individual. The sources, functions and consequences of self-esteem are discussed. It is proved that high-level selfesteem has a number of positive psychological consequences in an individual’s life, including proffesional and private/intimate life. It is proved that high self-esteem motivates to work, facilitates achiving goals and influences the quality of performed tasks. Low self-esteem in turn, has a lot of negative effects, which can be seen in emotional sphere, psychosomatic disorders and contribute to low activity of an individual and low quality of performed tasks. The empirical part includes the analysis of the study of global selfesteem in teacher candidates. The study has been conducted among 100 students of polish and ukrainian colleges. The study used self-esteem scale by M. Rosenberg in adaptation of polish researchers I. Dzonkowska, K. Lachowicz-Tabaczek, M. Łaguna. The results of the study indicated that there is statistically relevant difference between the indicators of global self-esteem of polish and ukrainian teacher candidates t (98) = -3,37; p<0,001. The level of polish students’ self-esteem is (М = 28,76; SD = 3,77) and is much higher than the level of ukrainian students’ self-esteem (M = 26,66; SD = 2,24). The above indicates on the significantly higher self-esteem in polish students.


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