Keywords: psychological health; psychological problems; solitude; fear; aggression, virtual communication, overeating, border guards.


The saturation of the information space leads to high demands on the human mental world and as a consequence — economic, psychological, cultural, social factors cause various changes in the human body. These changes manifest in the negative manifestations of the mental state of the individual and affect his physical and psychological health. Mental health problems are most often manifested through their emotional and volitional sphere (loneliness, fear, aggression, addiction, staying in the virtual world, depression, psychosomatic diseases, etc.). They are characteristic of modern society and can cause a variety of psychological problems of the individual, which in turn can lead to illness, overweight, sexual disorders, as well as problems in the professional sphere. sphere (loneliness, fear, aggression, addiction, stay in the virtual world, depression, psychosomatic diseases, etc.). They are characteristic of modern society and can cause a variety of psychological problems of the individual, which in turn can lead to illness, overweight, sexual disorders, as well as problems in the professional field. Scientists include psychological problems related to the development of human intelligence. Intelligence plays a significant role not only in its daily activities, but also in the professional field. Scientists have proved the fact that the success of any activity, the adaptation of a person to the conditions of life, a certain environment, etc., depends on the level of intelligence. Changes in the development of personality intelligence can also be reflected in one’s mental health. One way to solve a person’s psychological problems is to ignore them or to soften the general state of the body. The modern world is posing more and more challenges to humanity, so today psychological science must be ready to solve various psychological problems, and this is possible only through their detailed research.


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