Keywords: perfectionism, personality, striving for perfection, organization of research, research methods.


The article analyzes and describes the specifics of modern psychological methods of studying the perfectionism of the individual. The article proves that the leading criterion for creating the concept of perfectionism is the multidimensionality of its psychological structure, which allowed to create a differentiation of types of perfectionism. Organizing and conducting research on perfectionism as a complex and ambiguous phenomenon for modern psychological science requires careful theoretical and methodological and methodological training. In this process, the study was conducted based on the provisions of systemic, structuralfunctional, acmeological and integrative-differential approaches. The purpose — to highlight the specifics of modern psychological methods and the organization of the study of personality perfectionism. The organization and conduct of an empirical study of personality perfectionism was based on the following basic principles of psychological research: scientific validity of methods, non-harm, objectivity of conclusions from test results, the effectiveness of the proposed recommendations and the principle of comprehensive diagnosis. The organization and conduct of an empirical study of personality perfectionism was based on the following basic principles of psychological research: scientific validity of methods, non-harm, objectivity of conclusions from test results, the effectiveness of the proposed recommendations and the principle of comprehensive diagnosis. The main criterion for creating the concept of perfectionism is the multidimensionality of its psychological structure, which allows to approach its study as a psychological property, which in the structure of personality has a relative functional and structural independence and is expressed in the desire of the subject to be perfect, perfect anywhere. The study of the structure of perfectionism and its predictors should take place in compliance with the basic requirements for modern psychological research.


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