Keywords: self-presentation, the teacher humanities disciplines, teaching activities.


The problem of studying the peculiarities of self-presentation of a high school teacher is relevant and underdeveloped, because the function he performs in society is extremely important. But, unfortunately, it tends to simplify, shift from the actual pedagogical activity to the function of knowledge transfer, passive reproductive activity. The article considers the essence of the phenomenon of self-presentation humanities disciplines teacher. Training of professionally competent teacher is one of the urgent tasks and the subject of scientific discussion and thinking of contemporary and the foretime scholars. Self-presentation during the process of life of the subject acts as an important regulator of its social behavior. It is proved that knowledge of self-presentation contributes itself as a stakeholder; improve itself, the desire to achieve self-esteem and successful interaction with people from the close milieu, which is important for teaching activity. The aim is to identify and theoretically substantiate the relationship between the characteristics of the teacher’s personality and his activities with his self-presentation. Self-presentation is a process by which a person seeks to form other people’s impressions of themselves. The success of self-presentation depends on the ability to present yourself to other people, to attract attention, to actualize people’s interest in their qualities. Self-presentation in the process of the subject’s life is an important regulator of his social behavior. When considering the problems of social determination of personality behavior, special attention is paid to the specifics of knowledge of the world around us, awareness of our attitude to it, knowledge of ourselves as a subject of activity, self-improvement, striving for self-esteem and successful interaction with people close to the teacher and its activities.


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