Keywords: leader, leadership, psychosemantic constructions, masculine leadership model, leadership transformational model, «leadership» concept, interpretative scheme.


The paper focuses on the problem of leadership. The gender’s specificity issue of leadership is being analyzed. The transformational leadership model of the justification is presented. The purpose of the article is to perceive the «leader» students concept in the picture of the world in gender’s context. Different leadership theories are analyzed. Three key approaches to leadership interpretation are particularly described: personality features, situation interaction, behavior. The modern leadership theories are analyzed. These theories are methodological basis for transformational leadership model formation. Indicators of the transformation model are being differentiated: interaction with the followers, but not the subordinates; the followers goals transformation; stimulation of their self-development and their result achievements. The research methodology for the students leadership concept is described. The methods applied: uncompleted sentences; psychosemantic differential. While considering the picture of the world, the «leadership» concept content among most students is masculine. Leadership concept includes characteristics such as: dominance, power, success and the ability to be the first and to lead. Personal characteristics in particular emotional and voluntary self-regulation, organizational, mental abilities, moral and communicative features are not important. Gender specificity in the students «leadership» concept content is differentiated. The psychosemantic constructions of power-dominated relations, competition and domination are dominated in the men. The key characteristics of the psychosemantic content of women’s leadership models are the ability to lead, success and dominance. The stereotyped level of the leadership model formation is typical for most students.


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