Keywords: satisfaction with the relationship between the state and citizens, components of satisfaction with the relationship between the state entity and citizens, civil and state identity, citizens’ expectations, government actions.


The article is devoted to the construction of a politico-psychological model of satisfaction in relations between a state and citizens. The text describes the main parameters of satisfaction with relationships, among which are highlighted: 1) the features of communication between a state and citizens; 2) correspondence of civil and state identities; 3) the ratio of citizens’ expectations and government actions. The analysis of the parameters is carried out using the NLP communication model, the concept of the existence of multiple personality identities and a systematic approach. The dialectical nature of the formation of the personal identity of citizens made it possible to clarify the dialectical nature of the development of the identity of the state subject, that developed the idea of the structure of their relationship. Special attention is paid to the satisfaction of citizens with the activities of the government. In particular, it was found that satisfaction is inversely proportional to the expectations of citizens. It was also possible to attribute to the components of satisfaction in relations between the state and the population such conditions as building competent communication between the state and citizens and bringing civil and state identities into mutual conformity. The three components are interconnected and form a political and psychological model of satisfaction in relations between the state and citizens.


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