Keywords: cyber-addictions, non-chemical dependence, styles of family upbringing, social factors, cyber-addicts, microsociety.


The identification of risk factors is an important aspect of preventive activities in the field of prevention of addictive behavior. In order to identify social factors that may influence the formation of cyber-addictions, we turned our attention to family relationships. Because, the family is the closest and first circle of social interaction, that has the greatest impact on the formation of personal qualities. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of family parenting styles of cyber-addicts through the eyes of children. Research methods: bibliographic (analysis, systematization, theoretical data and literature sources), historical (study of the origin, formation and development of the concept) and psychodiagnostic, Methodology «Parents are evaluated by children» (I. A. Furmanov and A. A. Aladdin), as well as a structured interview, mathematical and statistical data processing was performed using the program «Microsoft Excel, XP» and «SPSS 26.0 for Windows XP». It was found that among the study groups of people with cyber-addictions predominate: hypoprotection, underdevelopment of parental feel ings, conflict between spouses in the field of education, emotional rejection, abuse and the benefits of child qualities. Since the family is only a part of the personality microsociety, the study of social factors that can become factors in the formation of cyber addictions should be continued, this will make it possible to highlight additional social factors in the formation of this addiction and take them into account when developing preventive and psychocorrectional programs.


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