• V. Moyseyenko
Keywords: assertiveness, status, status behavior, structural and functional model, student youth.


The paper States that the strategy of behavior includes dynamic stereotypes, mental strategies and ways of emotional response to the situation of interpersonal interaction, leading to the achievement of a certain goal. The purpose of the article is to describe the theoretical structural-functional model of assertiveness as a mechanism for choosing a strategy of status behavior, to analyze the structural components of the model and to substantiate the complex of diagnostic research methods. It is noted that staying in the status of a student of a higher education institution involves the development of new competencies, new behavioral strategies, the development of professionally important qualities. It is argued that assertiveness allows a person to set goals, goals, realize their abilities, desires and aspirations. It is stated that choosing between priorities and directions of realization of the goal, the student youth develops a certain strategy of behavior. A structural and functional model of assertiveness as a mechanism for choosing the strategy of status behavior is proposed, the components of assertiveness and the strategy of status behavior are presented and described. The expediency of using a certain set of techniques to study the influence of assertiveness on the choice of strategy of status behavior of students is substantiated. Theoretical structural and functional model of assertiveness as a mechanism for choosing a strategy of status behavior is presented and substantiated. The essence of the main components of assertiveness and behavior strategy are identified and revealed. The expediency of a certain set of methods to detect the manifestation of the status behavior strategy and to study the structural components of assertiveness is substantiated.


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