Keywords: difficult life situation, worldview, personality, activity, decision making.


The article analyzes the concept of «Difficult life situations» which is dependent with the practical psychologists’ personal worldview of. Personality characteristics are described that help to overcome difficult life situations. Examples of difficult situations that practical psychologists face in their personal life are also given. The empirical studies results are described, which says what type of worldview is relate to a specific type of complex life situation. Personality characteristics that come to the fore in interpreting situations from the viewpoint of personal world perception are highlighted. The article states that the situation is a condition for activating the individuals’ internal activity. It is also indicated on the use of competence in the form of the ability to freely navigate in difficult life situations, be able to rationally evaluate further choice, predictable risk and not to be afraid to take risks, anticipate the consequences of personal actions, to be able self-regulate after difficult life situations. Various characteristics of complex and difficult life situations are given which is depend on the psychological orientation of the subject. Characterization of four types of worldviews is also given. Among them, there are: external easy and the internal simple; external hard and internal simple; external easy and internal difficult; external heavy and internal difficult.


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