Keywords: women, postnatal, psychoemotional state, mother and child, psychological well-being, conscious attitudes


This article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the psychoemotional sphere of women in the postnatal period and the perceptible settings affecting it. The work is due to the need to broaden the understanding of the psychology of the postpartum period as a whole.The comparative analysis was carried out using a one-factor dispersion analysis, since the parameters of the perceived units were expressed using interval scales. The scales were grouped into certain blocks. The results of this analysis for scales describe the attitude to the family role. It is proved in the article that the paternal settings of women who gave birth to children differ in their level of expression and structure from the parents’ settings of non-birth-old women, and are characterized by a specificity that reflects the peculiarities of the experience of their motherhood. It has been established that the parental settings of women who gave birth to children differ in their level of expressiveness and structure from the parents’ settings of non-birth-old women and are characterized by a specificity that reflects the peculiarities of the experience of their motherhood. Their facilities are less mature: they are excessively focused on the child, aimed at overcoming resistance, suppressing freedom, creating security, fearing offending, trying to eliminate out-of-the-mill impacts, suppress aggression and sexuality, and excessively interfere with the child’s world.


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