Keywords: children with special educational needs, self-awareness of specialists, special and inclusive education, self-improvement


The article presents the results of the theoretical and methodological analysis of research on the professional identity of specialists (correctional teachers, speech therapists, psychologists, orthopedists, special (practical) psychologists, special education teachers). The basic scientific basis is the research of modern Ukrainian scientists who have focused on the role and importance of professional identity of teachers and future specialists who receive higher education at universities and experience psychological dissonance during their pedagogical work. The interdependence between the psychological readiness of a specialist and the level of development of his/her professional self-awareness is determined. The theoretical model of psychological readiness, which is a trigger for teachers to realize the quality of their own professional actions and consists of the following components: personal, operational, functional, evaluative and regulatory, is defined. Other psychological schools suggest that in the process of pedagogical activity, teachers should carry out self-assessment, self-correction, self-determination, intellectual efforts, volitional operations, determine their mental state in the format of the self-concept, which includes awareness of their goals, assessment of real conditions, determination of the most likely ways of self-registration of difficulties, prediction of the result and ways to improve it. It is found that in the literature there is still a scientific discussion of the influence of the structured logically presented tendency of the teacher’s self-awareness on the improvement (invariant) of their professional qualities (the ability to select the content of education, upbringing and development of the child, the formation of students’ motivation to obtain the best result; development and implementation of innovative technologies, conducting experimental classes, flexible transformation of mental models of communication in relations between children and professional challenges that push (stimulate) the teacher to change. It is proposed to be used during the correctional and pedagogical activities of specialists with children with special educational needs (students with intellectual, autistic, speech, kinesthetic, regulatory (behavioral) disorders). Systematically conduct self-analysis of psychological difficulties that arise during interaction with children of different nosological groups. The psychological mechanisms of the discrepancy between the knowledge of specialists about the clinical and psychological features of their behavior and regulation and the internal anxiety of specialists in special and inclusive education are revealed. Strategies for correctional teachers to work out the system of independent development of self-awareness are proposed.


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