Keywords: personality, giftedness, creativity, creativity, a gifted person, the formation of a gifted person, transformational changes in society.


The article reveals the socio-psychological mechanisms of the formation of a gifted person; The ways of transformation of the educational process with the aim of increasing its efficiency, integrity and organicity, creating a psychological and pedagogical system of becoming a gifted person in the conditions of pre-university and university education are shown. The qualitative characteristics are given, allowing to determine the level of creative activity at different stages of the formation of a gifted person; proposed a proven in practice socio-psychological system of supporting the process of becoming a gifted person, based on the creation of a developing educational environment as a specially organized socio-cultural and educational space in various types of educational institutions. A generalized model of a gifted person has been developed, qualitative and quantitative criterion indicators for assessing gifted activity have been described, methodological tools have been proposed for diagnosing the level of its formation at different stages of the formation of a gifted person; characterized by developing educational environment as a socio-cultural space; the concept of the formation of a gifted person in the conditions of a developing educational environment as a combination of scientific, theoretical and methodological grounds has been developed; identified and described mechanisms for the implementation of this process in a developing educational environment; A scientifically based and experimentally proven model of a socio-psychological system aimed at the process of becoming a gifted person integrating the structure, content, scientific and methodological substantiation and technological support of this process in a developing educational environment has been proposed.


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