Keywords: autistic spectrum disorders, children with autistic spectrum disorders, autism, innovative technologies, modern methods of correctional and pedagogical work with children with autistic spectrum disorders


The characteristics of the development of a child with autism spectrum disorders are given. The peculiarities of the autistic spectrum are characterized, which cause disturbances in communication, social interaction, and behavior of the child, which complicates the process of its integration into society. Today, the issue of finding modern and effective teaching technologies for children with autism spectrum disorders is being raised in the Ukrainian scientific community. The article highlights modern views on the nature of the problems of children with autism spectrum disorders. The content of innovative technologies in working with children with autism spectrum disorders is revealed and justified. Based on domestic and foreign practices. It is emphasized that when working with children with autism, it is necessary to take into account their peculiarities of perception and sensory work. It was concluded that the use of the technology system in working with children with autism spectrum disorders has technologies in which the main goal is the development of the child’s speech. It was established that all technologies must be used in a single system.


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