Keywords: leadership, motivation, entrepreneurship, business, martial law


The article is devoted to the topical issue of studying leadership and motivation in Ukraine under martial law. The author specifies that not only the authorities, but also business structures and entrepreneurs have proved to be psychologically unprepared to function under martial law, despite the fact that the war has been going on since 2014. Systematised that the psychological unpreparedness of managers led to a complete or partial cessation of their functioning and a significant outflow of specialists. It is determined that, along with the economic consequences of the war and significant financial risks, the psychological aspects of business functioning in Ukraine have intensified. At the same time, we have noted the positive impact of the war on entrepreneurial activity, which consists in increasing responsibility, motivation, and self-realisation through starting a business. It is substantiated that despite the active support of entrepreneurship by the State and a number of international organisations, there is currently no single model for overcoming the crisis and minimising the effects of the war on entrepreneurship.


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