Keywords: subjective well-being, psychological well-being, quality of life, emotional competence


The article highlights the interpretation of the concept of “psychological well-being of the individual” according to hedonistic, eudaemonistic and integrative approaches. The theories of psychological well-being of N. Bradburn, E. Diner, A.S. Waterman, M. Argyle, K. Keys, M. Yagoda, M. Seligman. The personal definition of this psychological concept is given. The role of external and individual factors in the psychological well-being of a person is emphasized, which can be denoted by the general term “quality of life”. The importance of personal factors of psychological well-being, such as personal attitude and emotional competence, is noted. The results of an empirical study of psychological well-being and a subjective assessment of the quality of life of Ukrainians in the conditions of the war are given. The level and quality of the correlation of these indicators with such a personal factor as the emotional competence of the individual is clarified. It is concluded that the more emotionally competent a person is, the higher the level of his psychological well-being and life satisfaction.


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