Keywords: adolescents, gender differences, aggressiveness, adolescent crisis, mental health, psychological well-being


The article highlights the results of a study of the psychological causes of aggression among high school adolescents in the condition of war. The study involved a group of adolescents in grades 9–10 in Podilsk. The total sample of this study was 180 people aged 14 to 16 years. The study was conducted using the following methods: A. Bass and A. Darka’s test, K. Leonhard and G. Schmiszek’s test, and the method of C.D. Spielberger in the adaptation of Y.L. Khanin. Projective methods. During the ascertaining stage of the research through statistical analysis, it was proved that the value of correlation coefficient in boys of high strength and statistically significant is between the following parameters: rigidity and pedantry (r = 0,411; p ≤ 0,001); anxiety and excitability (r = 0,437; p ≤ 0,001); physical aggression and irritability (r = 0,43; p ≤ 0,001). The value of the correlation coefficient was of medium strength and statistically significant between the following parameters: verbal aggression and rigidity (r = 0,267; p > 0,01); cyclothymia (r = 0,293; p > 0,001); demonstrativeness (r = 0,261; p > 0,01). The value of the correlation coefficient in girls was high and statistically significant between the following parameters: physical aggression and indirect aggression (r = 0,524; p ≤ 0,001); verbal aggression and cyclothymia (r = 0,461; p ≤ 0,001).


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