Keywords: Self-conception, self-esteem, self-perception, self-development, self-identification, self-realization, social networks, youth


The article examines and analyzes the peculiarities of the self-concept development of modern youth under the influence of social networks. It is noted that social networks have both positive and negative effects on all aspects of young people’s lives. On the one hand, they are the main means of communication with friends, relatives and acquaintances, promote the development of social skills and provide opportunities for self-expression and personal development, act as a source ofinformation, starting with orientation in political news and ending with fashion trends. But, on the other hand, social networks have a negative impact on the physical and psychological health ofyoung people. Considerable attention should be paid specifically to psychological health, because self-esteem first of all suffers from constantly viewing publications in social networks, and with it other areas of psychological well-being. Also, social networks can lead to addiction, violations in relationships with other people. An endless stream of perfect photos and videos can make you feel like a failure or inferior compared to others. It is important to take the content on the platformwith a healthy dose and remember that life is not completely reflected through the filter of social networks, to be able to use them with understanding and not to delve too much into this virtual world, forgetting about reality. The article defines the concept and structure of the self-concept of an individual. The results of an empirical study of the influence of social networks on the development of the self-concept of modern youth are analyzed and recommendations are offered to reduce their destructive influence on the development of the self-concept of modern youth.


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