Keywords: autobiographical memory, perspective of a memory, Field perspective, Observer perspective.


The aim of the present article was to show the results of theoretical analysis of modern studies about two types of perspective in autobiographical personal memories. Autobiographical Memory of a person contains all memories about events having lived through by oneself personally. Exactly these memories become decisive and supportive for identification of a person, personal goals and strategies for theirs achievement, self-esteem management, emotional control and personal life- path development. The structure of the memory itself plays significant role in the above mentioned strategies, where two perspectives of a memory perception are stood out: Field perspective and Observer perspective. In memories with Field perspective a person sees the memory of event by one’s own eyes and lives through those emotions having felt in the moment of event directly while in the memories with Observer perspective a person has possibility to watch oneself from an external vantage point «from the outside». Depending on the use of the perspective type different characteristics of the memory are available to a person and different perspectives allow to apply a memory for different cognitive goals and not only, moreover the studies demonstrate different activities in brain areas, depending on the use of perspective type. One of the most important distinction feature of perspectives these are real (Field perspective) and reduced (Observer perspective) emotional re-experiencing in the event. The memory with Observer perspective gives to a person significant preferences in analysis of the situation due to the emotional reducing. This gives possibility to use Observer perspective in the correction of negative and traumatic memories. The article emphasizes for further investigation of the autobiographical memory perspectives and their potential important role in the correction of negative and traumatic events consequences.


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