Keywords: artificial intelligence, thinking, creativity, neural networks, information society


The article provides a historical and methodological overview of the development of artificial intelligence technologies and their impact on the socio-cultural activities of humans. It describes the key stages of AI development, the prerequisites for its emergence, outlines the initial positions of developers, and the fundamental models of human interaction with intelligent information systems. Within the socio-psychological paradigm of the evolution of artificial intelligence technologies, three stages of simulating human mental activity are identified: imitation of intellectual processes, imitation of emotions, and imitation of creative activities. The socio-psychological paradigm of the evolution of artificial intelligence is based on the idea that the development of intelligent systems has socio-psychological consequences resulting from the influence of AI on society and interactions among people. This paradigm considers not only the technical aspects of AI development but also the impact of these technologies on interpersonal relationships, ethics, culture, and other social phenomena. It considers the psychological aspects of how intelligent systems are perceived by humans and their interaction in various spheres of life. The socio-psychological paradigm of the evolution of artificial intelligence recognizes that the development of AI should be regulated not only from a technical standpoint but also considering its socio-cultural and psychological consequences for human culture. One of the socio-psychological consequences of human interaction with artificial intelligence systems is the formation of specific fears regarding machines, attributing unjustified properties to them, and purely human traits. However, such trends in interaction with intelligent information systems have not changed the overall cultural trend towards integrating artificial intelligence into a wide range of social processes. Signs of productive interaction with intelligent information systems include understanding their benefits in close collaboration with humans, serving as tools to facilitate routine work.


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