Keywords: acmeological approach, navigational specialties, psychoemotional state, violation of adaptation, extreme conditions


The article analyzes the problems of adaptation of a modern person to the constantly changing conditions of the external world as one of the important tasks of the acmeological approach. Acmeological approach is interpreted as involving the study of the basic laws, according to which a person develops, self-actualizes. In the modern variety of branches of acmeology: medical, legal, military, educational, managerial, etc. Acmeology methods used in the maritime industry are especially important due to the complexity of the profession, associated with the long stay of a person in extreme working conditions. The purpose of the research: to analyze the possibilities of the acmeological approach within the framework of the formation of the personality of a student of a higher educational institution with a specialty of sea and river transport; to conduct a theoretical analysis of the literature devoted to the problem of the acmeological approach in the process of the formation of a personality. Due to specific working conditions associated with the difficulties of being on a long voyage, these professions differ – psycho-emotional stress: a long stay away from home, familiar surroundings, family and friends; – physical: physical activity, often unevenly distributed due to rotational organization of work; – climatic: staying in different climatic zones, associated with this experience of frequent change of weather conditions; – social: long stay in the «closed team», without the possibility of a sufficient change of partners in communication, as well as information exhaustion of partners in official duties, leisure; – physiological: changing the diet, lack of the ability to eat «as you want», the need for work to be in rooms with adverse conditions (increased noise background, stuffy air, elevated temperature due to the proximity of working mechanisms, etc.). Thus, the question of the possibilities of an acmeological approach in studying the process of the formation of the personality of a student in a higher educational institution of maritime and river transport is an important, little-studied, needs to be studied in the following aspects: physical, social, psycho-emotional, psycho-physiological, climatic, etc.


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