Keywords: naval strategy, Türkiye, Black Sea region, geopolitics, security, regional cooperation, naval forces


The article is devoted to the study of Türkiye’s naval strategy in the aspect of ensuring geopolitical influence on the security situation in the Black Sea region. It was noted that the geopolitical situation in the Black Sea region is constantly changing and causes concern among various players who have interests in this region. The structure of Türkiye’s national interests in the Black Sea region, which forms a model of regional security, is clarified. The evolution, goals and current state of Türkiye's naval strategy in the Black Sea basin are considered. The main determinants of Türkiye’s naval policy in the Black Sea region are substantiated. Analyzed models of regional cooperation in the field of naval security in the Black Sea region. The role of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization for the security of the Black Sea region was noted. Characterized Document of the Black Sea countries on measures to strengthen trust and security in the naval region on the Black Sea. The tasks of the BLACKSEAFOR naval operational interaction group have been defined. The purpose of the creation of the Black Sea Command and Communication Center has been clarified. The objectives of the naval operation "Black Sea Harmony" were considered. The justified importance of the Turkish Navy as a tool for implementing the Turkish doctrine «Blue Motherland». It is indicated that in the 21st century, the Turkish Navy plays a more active role in the country's foreign policy. The modern structure of the Turkish Navy is characterized. The author claims that Türkiye is building its naval forces, which are equipped with advanced technologies, with long-term mobility in the open sea. It was concluded that today Türkiye’s naval strategy acts as a national power tool that helps ensure security in the Black Sea region.


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