Publication Ethics

Code of Ethics

Preparing for publication in a scientific peer-reviewed journal, the editorial staff seeks to minimize the possibility of abuse of readers' trust, to guarantee the academic and scientific nature of the publication.

In this regard, we strongly recommend that all authors comply with the ethical standards of academic publications.

Based on recommendations from the Publishing Ethics Committee, Elsevier, and Scopus, The Editorial Board approved the following principles for the work of editors, reviewers, and authors of the journal.


Responsibilities of the Editor and Editorial Board

1.1. The editor is responsible for deciding which of the submitted articles will be published. In his decisions, the editor is guided by these rules, as well as laws regarding defamation, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. The decision of the editor should be made in the interests of the journal and take into account the opinions of other editors and reviewers.

1.2. The editor checks the materials submitted for publication for compliance with the topics of the journal series and for compliance with the general professional requirements for scientific publications, which are determined by the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine.

1.3. The editor decides on the appointment of reviewers from the editorial board, taking into account their overall workload and consent.
1.4. The editor and editors evaluate the submitted manuscripts according to their content, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political preferences of their authors.
1.5. The editor and editors should not disclose information about the text of the article to anyone other than the authors themselves, reviewers, and other editors.
1.6. The ideas and data of the submitted manuscripts cannot be used in the editorial and/or editorial staff's own research without the written consent of the author.
1.7. Additional tips on the ethical aspects of the work of editors and editorial staff are found in the COPE Code of Editorial Ethics and Best Practices for Editorial Work [].


Reviewer Responsibilities

2.1. An expert assessment of the submitted manuscripts allows the editor to make the right decisions on publishing the best articles in the journal. In some cases, the reviewer can help the author to improve the work through the mediation of the publisher.

2.2. The reviewer may refuse to evaluate the submitted materials if he/she 1) does not feel qualified enough to evaluate the submitted study, or 2) that he/she is not able to evaluate the manuscript within a reasonable time.

2.3. Each manuscript submitted for review is a confidential document. Manuscripts can only be discussed with those who belong to the journal.

2.4. Manuscript reviews should strive for objectivity. Reviewers should reason about their assessments and avoid personal criticism.

2.5. It is expected that the reviewer will point out important publications that were not indicated by the author in the material. In addition, it is expected that the reviewer will point out to him / her significant similarities or coincidences of parts of the manuscript and already published texts.

2.6. Information and ideas obtained during the review should be confidential and cannot be used in the interests of reviewers. Reviewers are expected to refuse to evaluate manuscripts for which they have a conflict of interest (as a result of competition, cooperation, or other interesting relationships with any of the authors or their institutions).

2.7. Further advice on the ethical aspects of the reviewers' work is contained in the COPE Code of Ethics for Reviewers [].


Responsibilities of the authors

3.1. The authors prepare manuscripts of articles that are submitted to the editors in accordance with the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine for professional publications and, in accordance with the profile of the journal. According to the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine, the original article in a professional publication should consist of the following sections:

statement of the problem;
relevance of the study;
connection of copyright developments with important scientific and practical tasks;
analysis of recent studies and publications;
allocation of previously unresolved parts of the general problem to which the article is devoted;
methodological or general scientific value;
presentation of the main material;
main findings;
prospects for using research results.

3.2. The basic data provided in the articles must be accurate and verified. Inaccurate and unverified statements in articles contradict the requirements of scientific ethics and are unacceptable.

3.3. When using scientific results, ideas, publications, and other materials of other authors, the text must contain links to publications of these authors. Fragments of published (published) texts of other authors (citations) may be included in publications solely with reference to the source (except for fragments that do not carry an independent semantic load).

3.4. When writing an article, academic citation rules should apply. In addition, authors should indicate publications that were decisive for their research.

3.5. Authors submit texts that have not previously been published.

3.6. The authorship of the articles refers to those who have made a significant contribution to the preparation of the study report. All who contributed to the preparation of the text of the article should be indicated as co-authors.