Keywords: crowdsourcing, cyber conflicts, cyber activities, Ukraine, aggressor country


The two-year war for the Ukrainian state is permeated by negative processes and the transformation of political consciousness. At the same time, the events that accompany this war encourage evaluative and analytical actions in order to develop the political and legal reality that the entire global world is experiencing in these two years in cyberspace. One of the relevant processes in the Russian-Ukrainian war is cybernetic confrontation as an important component of the general struggle, defense and protection, which is carried out not on the battlefield, but in the digital space, going beyond the territorial flow of military operations. The cyber-conflict between the authorities of Ukraine and Russia actually began long before the full-scale invasion in 2014, and the intensity of cyber-attacks foreshadowed certain political actions or processes. Half a year before the full-scale invasion, the concentration of attacks by the aggressor country increased exponentially and became one of the signs of the enemy's preparation for a large-scale war to seize Ukrainian lands and cyberspace, control the consciousness of citizens and influence the political system. The unrealized ideas prompted the parties to the military-political conflict to find new forms and methods in order to achieve the desired results. The mechanism for actions in cyberspace was crowdsourced cyberwar, which allowed to attract a large number of talented people to fight in cyberspace. Therefore, there is an urgency to study such a phenomenon as a question of political consequences for society, the state, and the global world.


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