Keywords: territorial policy, methodology, political processes, deconstruction of the world order, constructivism, spatial development, decentralization


The article "Territorial Policy in Multicomponent Systems as an Object of Theoretical and Methodological Analysis" is devoted to the analysis of the evolution of methodological approaches to the scientific study of territorial policy. The article indicates the stages of methodological development of the analysis of territorial-political systems (TPS), which was accompanied by the transformation of the dominant object of research from: 1) "large" hierarchical "living spaces" of nation-states; to 2) "meso-level" of TPS and to 3) "multimodal spatial units", which operate according to the postmodern logic of political actors and have been studied since the 60s of the twentieth century on the basis of structuralism and constructivism. It is noted that the political processes of the last seven decades demonstrate the deconstruction of the world order, accompanied by the restructuring of national political systems due to increased glocalisation. The article examines the breakdown of "methodological nationalism" and the replacement of the top-down logic of analysis with the bottom-up one, when the decentralisation of the national in the global shifted the attention of researchers and became an instrument of spatial and territorial deconstruction. The article notes that the political process being constructed in the global dimension demonstrates the transformation of territorial and political space from a condition of the political process to the result of political construction, where territorial policy is a set of measures to ensure territorial development and stabilisation of political systems. In the first part of the article, "Territorial Possession" VS. "Spatial Development", the author examines the methodological turn associated with the institutionalisation of European integration into the EU against the backdrop of the transformation of political relations in postcolonial systems. It is noted that the EU has become a model for implementing the strategy of spatial development of complex political systems in the context of deterritorialisation of the political process, where the concept of "territorial possessions" has been transformed into "spatial development", and the region has become a modular unit of dehierarchisation and decentralisation of the TPS. The second part of the article examines the theoretical areas integrated into the complex of "territorial policy" research: Federal Studies, Local Government Studies, Multilevel Government Studies, Polycentric Governance, Electoral Geography and Urban Studies.


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