Keywords: concept, frame, linguacultural approach, discourse, Ukraine, Greece, Cyprus, refugees / migrants / displaced persons


The subject of the study is the investigation of the concept of 'Ukrainian refugee' in the context of studying the linguistic means of its representation in the Greek-speaking social-political and media discourse. It has been determined that the concept of "refugee" is one of the leading markers of contemporary challenges and hybrid threats to the information security of states. Its salience is driven by socio-political factors, particularly the "refugee crisis" in Europe. Greece and Cyprus have become countries where numerous streams of migrants have been directed at the onset of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. It has been clarified that the concepts of "migrant" and "refugee" are two distinct categories used to denote people who relocate to another country. The key differences between them have been outlined. Specifically, migrants move to another country for economic reasons (such as job search, improvement of living conditions, economic opportunities), whereas the displacement of refugees occurs due to the presence of a real threat to their lives or freedom resulting from war, conflicts, political persecution, ethnic or religious persecution. A migrant holds the status of an economic migrant and requires relevant permits for residence and work in another country, whereas a refugee is an individual in need of international protection from persecution and assistance from organizations such as the UNHCR. Typically, a migrant does not have refugee status and may be sent back to the country of origin if residency rules are violated. Conversely, a refugee enjoys international protection under international law and may exercise refugee rights, including protection from deportation and the right to work. Therefore, the distinction between a migrant and a refugee lies in the reasons for migration, status, and legal and international protection from persecution or life-threatening situations. However, in media discourse, these concepts are often used interchangeably. The conclusion has been drawn that narratives regarding refugees / migrants / displaced persons vary depending on political, economic, socio-cultural, and geographical contexts and are often opposed to each other. Examples of oppositional narratives and thematic groups of lexical markers and frames reflecting the official position of the authorities and civil society in the content of social media and media discourse are provided. It is generalized that the battle of narratives regarding the defined concept in the modern world proves to be an urgent and complex issue, reflecting the contradictory and diverse views and approaches to this issue.


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